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New product: The Retro Game Shelf.

My colleague Lena has a new project: in addition to the shoes in the periodic table design, she is now working on the possible realization of a retro game wall shelf. We in the team are completely blown away by the idea - but are you too? After all, that's what counts in the end :)

Here you can see a suggestion of what something like this could look like. By the way, our designer Petr made it :)

But of course it's not final yet, just an idea. In this version there are 5 different shelves and you could theoretically also offer the matching stickers (frame, level, time, high score, next tile).

Lena would now like to know the following things from you, so be so good and help a little, will you? :)
  • What do you think of the idea in general? Is it something you would be interested in buying?
  • What do you think is better: Rather large wall shelves (as in the picture, length per brick approx. 60cm) or rather smaller, I'll call them "spice racks" for the kitchen, for example (length per brick approx. 10cm)?
  • How important is the material for you? Plastic or wood, which would you prefer?
  • What do you think of the stickers? Should we include them or are they superfluous?
  • Do you think that back panels are necessary (we could leave them out)?
  • And last but not least: The price :D How much would you want to spend for a large shelf (=one brick, approx. 60cm long) and how much for a set of 5-7 small bricks as a spice or miniature shelf?
Thank you very much for your help :)
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