There are many curious and often somewhat strange-looking creatures in the deep sea. One of the best known is the so-called blobfish, whose scienti...
View full detailsAnyone who has ever been on the ISS or elsewhere in space knows that everything has to be secured in weightlessness. Objects are often attached to ...
View full detailsNo matter how much you want them, some things are just not meant to be: fire and water, good and evil, or roots and negative numbers. There is no r...
View full detailsExperts are still debating whether the fearsome T-Rex was an active predator or rather a scavenger. We know better. Of course, it simply ate everyt...
View full detailsA tube made of copper and a small neodymium ball… is all you need to eliminate gravity and to make magneto-dynamics a meditative exercise, in a fas...
View full detailsWithout a doubt, physics is one of the most interesting sciences in the world. But one major downside is the fact that, in order to get to see the ...
View full detailsAre you bored of wrapping your cool, geeky gifts, which you picked out with love and care, (ideally from our shop, of course!)– in oh-so boooring w...
View full details“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change” – no less a person than Stephen Hawking said this sentence. And he is right: On this Intelligence ...
View full detailsPatience is a virtue, they say. But they never tell you how to become patient and achieve a state of absolute relaxation. So it looks like we've go...
View full detailsDinosaurs were such diverse, gigantic and impressive animals that it is hard to imagine that they suddenly all became extinct. But imagine what wou...
View full detailsAwaken your ingenuity with MaKey MaKey! Turn apples into computer game controllers or invent a 'banana keys' piano. The MaKey MaKey Kit offers ever...
View full detailsOK, you're allowed to admit it: Maths was your favourite subject at school and you just couldn't get enough of it, right? And even today ...
View full detailsOK, you're allowed to admit it: Maths was your favourite subject at school and you just couldn't get enough of it, right? And even today, you can e...
View full detailsEven nerds like us make mistakes when setting up our differential equations and drawing blueprints for spaceships that will finally take us into th...
View full detailsThe moon has fascinated people since time immemorial and for good reason. After all, it influences the tides of the oceans and even our bodies. In ...
View full detailsThere are different techniques you can use to help you with your chemistry lessons. One way is with the help of jokes: Helium comes into a bar. The...
View full detailsIt's the small things that make us happy... For chemists it's the good old periodic table. You probably already know it by heart, but it ...
View full detailsWhen the gel in your Plantarium Super or your Plantarium Garden Lab has run out and you have either repotted or eaten your plants, you can simply s...
View full detailsWe'd like to fight the common prejudice that geeks don't like plants. The problem that geeks have with plants is that they need constant care, whic...
View full detailsDo you sometimes have the feeling that the weight of the world, indeed the whole universe, is on your shoulders? With the Sun, Moon and Earth stres...
View full detailsSometimes, evil scientists make mistakes just like everyone else. But when that happens, they don't just use any old erasers – for them, only the b...
View full detailsThis rather chilling choice of words from the Borg right before assimilation shows the benefits of a hive mind and thus the shared knowledge of sev...
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