The perfect bundle for technology enthusiasts and computer science insiders! With this set, you get two original products that are not only functio...
View full detailsAt times, one can get the impression that in many software companies, one department does not know what the other is doing and vice versa. For exam...
View full detailsThe word hacker in Japanese on a shirt. The characters are pronounced "hakka" (with a small pause between the k, i.e. "hak (pause) ka").
Let's keep our computers clean and ban Unicode! Abominations like Unicode are destroying our good nerd-values and when you get right down to it, AS...
View full detailsNeed some help with an everyday problem? Then summon Mr. Meeseeks! Simply teleport into a famous TV series about a scientist and his grandson, grab...
View full detailsProgrammers who use pointers should be careful because they aren't far away from hell ;) At least that's what the 2nd of the 10 commandme...
View full detailsLinux - The choice of the GNU generation
At least in theory, we nerds should not have problems with curfews, right? After all, we usually spend the majority of our time at home in front of...
View full detailsWhat's the trick behind all the software and where does it come from? That's what we asked ourselves and then we went on a investigation....
View full detailsSometimes a simple card game is the best pastime. You know, those times when you're forced to de-digitise, or because of those slow university or w...
View full detailsDifferent accessories for your Raspberry Pi enable new possibilities:- <b>Cases</b>Available in two versions: white, and transparent. D...
View full detailsIt's not enough for talented coders to write their own code, they try to analyze other programs and hardware too! For example, they'll wr...
View full detailsIf one were to believe the genre legends Run DMC, hip-hop really does have one thing in common with informatics: It's tricky! While the trio of Run...
View full detailsWe all know it: e-mails with incorrect encoding, in which the German special characters are once again displayed incorrectly. We can only be glad t...
View full detailsTo be or not to be, that is the question.2b, or not 2b, that is the question./(bb|[^b]{2})/ We knew it: coders are poets. If only Shakespeare had b...
View full detailsFor the code monkeys among you ;-)
Imagine that you’ve just created a model that allows different technical systems to communicate with each other and that features different layers ...
View full detailsThe (almost exclusively jokingly used) eighth layer of the OSI model for network protocols is a nice way of saying that the problem lies with the p...
View full detailsTranslated into "normal language", the T-shirt text would read something like "Please stay at home. Don't broadcast /connect with everyone". For ex...
View full detailsBasically, programming has a lot in common with Lego: on the one hand, it's worth starting at a young age (keyword: practice makes perfect), and on...
View full detailsBasically, programming has a lot in common with Lego: on the one hand, it's worth starting at a young age (keyword: practice makes perfect), and on...
View full detailsAs we all know, a good computer scientist knows how to achieve a certain goal with as little effort as possible. According to Bill Gates, a lazy pe...
View full detailsComments in the code are grossly overrated. Everything is already there! If you have a plan of the matter, you don't need any extra explanations ;)
When it's done, it's done and everything will run the way you expect it to run. Well, in theory...In a couple of months, you might have to make som...
View full detailsOn January 19, 2038, exactly on 03:14:07 (GMT) the 32-bit Unix time variable will be completely filled!Unix-like systems store the time as the numb...
View full detailsLook again!Even on t-shirts, the number of bugs increases by the day. All getDigital t-shirts are of course way past the beta phase ;)
Turns out that most nerds do actually care about nature and know a lot about the evil “outside world”. So much so that even parts of the Unix archi...
View full detailsHave you ever thought about the proper way to drink coffee? Sure, you might think: "Pour coffee into the mug, lift the mug, drink, repeat as necess...
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